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Angela was born on a hot Sunday, August 1, 1971, in Havre, at the Sacred Heart Hospital on 4th Street in Havre, MT. She was our first child and the first grandchild on her maternal side.

She was, of course, the most beautiful child in the world as well as being the smartest, sweetest, and best behaved child ever known to the world. To say we doted on her would be an understatment. We had over 3 years to spend exclusively with her before her baby brother, Franke, was born.

She went to kindergarden and gradeschool across the street from our house at 713 4th Street. Her birthdays were always celebrated in Pepin Park, across the street from our house also. She made friends easily. She potty trained herself, with the help of Barbie & Jenny Bessette who lived in our rental house on the back of our lot. They were 1 and 2 years older than she and taught her how to use the bathroom by the time she was barely 1 year old.

She attended school at St. Jude's School and loved every minute of it. We were convinced she would grow up to become a nun. She remained in the Catholic schools until graduation from 8th grade, then moved on to Havre High School where she continued to make good friends and do well in school. She never caused us any trouble and was always a big help with her brothers and sisters. She helped us foster over 90 additional children as she was growing up and played a very important part as the link between many of them and Tony & I.

After graduation, she spent a year in Guam with her boyfriend, Brian Evans, where they taught school, and enjoyed the climate and snorkeling with friends. They returned to the US and broke up, then she attended cosmotology school in Missoula.

She moved out of the family home when she was 17 and shared a house with some girlfriends. She worked at Nalivka's Pizza Kitchen, Havre Activity Center, Elite Tan & Styling Salon, had her own business at 224 Main in Chinook, and then went back to Havre Day Activity Center where she works now.

She married Marvin Bender August 7, 1999, and they have a son, Bradford Anthony Bender, born March 26, 1998.